I'm New Here

Welcome to Holy Spirit Episcopal Church

Holy Spirit is an open and welcoming parish serving our community through many ministries and outreach opportunities. We welcome you to join us for services on Sundays and stay to visit with us during coffee hour to get to know our Holy Spirit family. Please let our ushers know if you are new to the area or just visiting for the first time so that we might take the opportunity to get to know you as well.

Throughout our website you can learn about Holy Spirit and the Episcopal Church. There are lots of opportunities for you to grow closer to God, whether you are looking for ways to volunteer or for a deeper understanding of faith through Christian Education. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

What to Expect

As you enter our church, look for one of our friendly ushers to help you find a seat. Please fill out a visitor card and put it in the collection plate, so we can have an opportunity to reach out ot you and see how we can best serve you. Join us after the 10:15 service for coffee hour in the parish hall (or in the courtyard in summer, following our single service at 10:15 a.m., weather permitting).

Worship is at the center of life at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church. As an Episcopal church, our worship services follow the participatory liturgies set forth in The Book of Common Prayer. Holy Eucharist, the principal Sunday service, includes hymns, prayers and communion. 

Our worship services

Families and children are welcome and encouraged to participate in all services, especially the 10:15 a.m. Sunday service (summer schedule, single service at 10:15 a.m.). Once a month we also have a Family Worship service designed especially for families of all ages. Watch our calendar, service leaflets, Spirited Times and Facebook page for dates!

Learn more about Family Worship services

What We Believe

We cultivate, challenge and live our faith in Christ through commitment to each other and the world.

Learn More

We would love to see you soon!