Parish Life - our Community
Numerous groups and individuals help Holy Spirit to be a welcoming and warm community. Receptions, coffee hour, receptions following funerals and memorial services and other gatherings are places where food and drink help to build community. Conversation-filled supper club dinners bring us together over delicious meals to learn about each other in smaller settings. At Holy Spirit, the potluck tradition isn't a side dish to the success of the yearly Lenten speaker series/suppers. Holiday Market and the spring Rummage Sale inspire us to work together for the greater good of the parish and Missoula. And nametags and a picture directory are helping us to grow in community, constantly welcoming new people into our congregation.
Coffee Hours
Coffee Hours follow the 10:15 service and sometimes the 8 am Sunday services. We are looking for a few more people who would like to be a part of our committee. Coffee Hour is a wonderful way to get to know people in the congregation and for them to get to know you. We would like to have three to four people each Sunday to help serve coffee and put out treats. You only need to sign up for a few Sundays a year. This is such a meaningful part of our church community. Please consider helping out with coffee hour this year. If you are interested contact Kathy Swannack through the church office at 542-2167 or .
Supper Club
Supper Club consists of groups of about 10 people who meet for potluck meals in a member's home, an agreed upon restaurant, or even one of our public parks for a picnic. We adapt to all kinds of arrangements because our emphasis is on finding new and interesting friends, participating in lively conversation and enjoying good food. Sign up in September, or contact the church office and we will put you in touch with Ed and Laura Taylor, the Supper Club coordinators. It is always possible to sign up as an alternate during the year.
Craft Group
The Craft Group meets in the spring and fall to create items to sell at our Holiday Market. Watch the newsletter and bulletins for a few evening dates also. There are several crafts started in the spring that need to be finished. Simple craft skills are all that is needed in order to paint a coat of modge podge or string a necklace or cut out felt pieces for an Advent Calendar or ornaments. Come join the group for conversation and relaxation while creating. Join us upstairs in the church office. Contact the office and we will put you in touch with Sue Lowery, Craft Group coordinator.
Holiday Market
The Holiday Market is held in early November. Donations are an integral part of what we offer, and we depend upon our congregation for them. Antiques and collectibles, small pieces of furniture, all types of jewelry, Christmas decorations, boxes of Christmas cards and intact wrapping paper, CDs and DVDs, and handicrafts are all welcome. Please save clothing, rummage and books for the spring Rummage Sale.
Lenten Series
On Wednesday evenings during Lent, Holy Spirit has a tradition of sharing a potluck supper, listening to a speaker on topics of current interest, and ending the evening with prayer or Compline in the church. Childcare is provided. Watch our calendar for details!
Rummage Sale
Usually held in late April or early May, our annual spring Rummage Sale has a reputation of being among the best in town! Think of the Rummage Sale during the year as you find things you no longer need, and come and help us during Rummage Sale Week!
Other Events
Other recent one-time or recurring activities have included a garden tour, a wildflower walk, our annual church picnic, Blessing of the Animals (early October each year), and Advent wreaths and crafts. Watch the calendar for more opportunities!