Holiday Market

Holiday Market


It's Time for Holiday Market 2024!

As our days cool down and we approach Fall, it's time to gather or prepare your donations for this year's Holiday Market. In less than two months our Parish Hall will transform into one of the year's best events, and we need each one of you to participate in whatever ways you can.

First - mark your calendars for the week of November 3-10.
Second - Begin your donation preparations.
Donations will be accepted from Sunday, November 3 through Tuesday, November 5. (Please keep your items at home until November 3.)
Market preparation continues that week with sale days on Friday and Saturday, November 8 and 9.

Donations include:
Vintage items and antiques
Needle and fabric arts
Wood crafted items
Holiday décor
Christmas books
New regiftables - in their original boxes, when possible
All of the above in wonderful, clean condition.
Questions about donation may be directed to Sue Lowery, 406-546-8401.

Our Holiday Market offers the perfect time for each of you to share your Holy Spirit spirit with a joyous group of Market volunteers. There's a place for each one of you in the Market's energy and success. Please set aside an hour of your time Market week (or as many hours as you can) along with your donations. The Market needs you, your individual talents, to make this year's event the best Market ever. Watch for more information and specific ways to volunteer in the weeks ahead.