Holy Spirit Episcopal Church

9 am Parent Summit

Sunday, October 14, 2018, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Coordinator: The Rev. Terri Ann Grotzinger

Join us for a Parent Summit on Sunday, October 14, between services at 9 am in the Guild Room  

Join us for a Parent Summit. We value your perspective. The church is considering potential changes to staffing, and we need your input. We started in June collecting thoughts and opinions about programs for children and youth here at Holy Spirit. The second opportunity to share input is scheduled for Sunday, October 14th, between services at 9:00 am in the Guild Room (childcare will be available). Please plan to attend. Our goal is to learn about what is valuable to parents, as we consider potential changes in the structure of our ministry. Coffee, tea and a breakfast treat will be provided. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact Gretchen at  or 542-2167. This event is hosted by Rev. Terri, Ann Wiltse from the Vestry, and Rev. Gretchen.

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