Holy Spirit Episcopal Church

Winter Clothing Drive - Last Day!

Winter Clothing Drive - Last Day!

Every Sunday from 01/26/2020 to 01/24/2020

Help Us Collect Winter Clothing for Missoula's Homeless

On January 31st, Missoula Interfaith Collaborative will hold the city's annual Project Community Connect (formerly called Project Homeless Connect), to offer free food, clothing, and employment, medical and legal services, among other things, to homeless Missoula people—all in one location during one day. Urgently needed are winter clothing items for men and women—especially winter coats, jeans, sweaters, sweatshirts, and long-sleeved shirts. Also sleeping bags and backpacks. There will be a collection bin at the back of the sanctuary on the coming Sundays in January and in the Church Office during the week for what members can bring in from their own closets and from thrift stores in town. Thanks for your support. It will mean the world to people in our town without shelter in the winter.

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