Holy Spirit Episcopal Church



Sunday, March 22, 2020

Generosity is a key part of worship, but with many staying home out of precaution for the COVID-19 virus opportunities to give in person are declining. You can make a gift to support Holy Spirit's ministry of sharing God's love with our community and the world by texting HOLYSPIRITGIVE to 77977 on your smartphone or visit http://holyspiritmissoula.org/give/ to donate safely and securely.

Join in Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday this Lent

We invite all Episcopalians to gather on March 22, Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday, to pray for people around the world who are struggling with poverty, hunger, and disease. Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) works with local partners in over 40 countries to tackle these issues.

This year’s Lenten theme focuses on the spiritual lives of children and how children inspire the spiritual lives of adults. Why children? Children show us the face of God and help us to know the heart of God. ERD works with communities to ensure that children have access to food, clean water and quality health care. When these basic needs are met, the lives of all people in the community improve. You can support this work by making a donation in one of the special envelopes provided in the bulletin on ERD Sunday. Thank you.

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