Holy Spirit Episcopal Church

ERD Sunday, both services

ERD Sunday, both services

Sunday, February 25, 2024

ERD Sunday – a day to remember those in need 

We encourage all Episcopalians to gather on February 25, Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday, to pray for people fighting poverty, disaster and disease in their communities and for all those around the globe leveraging local resources and expertise to address disparity and inequality in the world. Each year, Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people around the world struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster, and disease. The organization works with Anglican partners to create long-term development strategies focused on delivering results in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.

ERD’s work with Women focuses on helping communities promote the rights of women and children and move toward the vision that everyone deserves a life free from violence. Their work with Children supports and protects kids under six so they reach appropriate health and development milestones. ERD’s Climate-related work focuses on how families and communities can work together to adapt to the effects of rapidly changing weather patterns. In addition, ERD’s US Disaster Program offers critical resources and training to help people prepare for disasters and provide emergency support so vulnerable communities can make a full and sustained recovery.

We will be taking a special offering at both services on February 25 in support of ERD’s mission to assist people impacted by poverty worldwide. All gifts from our offering will be designated to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Global Needs Fund. This fund enables ERD to reach those most in need around the world. You can support this work by making a donation in one of the special envelopes provided in the pews that day or by donating on our giving platform Pushpay. Just choose “Episcopal Relief & Development” from the dropdown menu of funds.

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