Family Promise Service Project, 11:30 a.m.

Sunday, September 22, 2024, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
One more way to connect across differences
Alongside other Missoula Interfaith Collaborative worshipping communities, we will be building more of our 1,000 New Relationships right after church on Sunday, September 22. We will gather at the First Presbyterian Church for a service project to benefit the families in Family Promise. The event begins with a rolling start at 11:30AM, and we'll be creating parts of meals and hygiene kits for houseless families, then breaking bread and talking with our neighbors in faith and service. A brief presentation and dialogue is planned for 12:15PM, and the event will wrap up by 1:30PM. To be part of our Holy Spirit service team of 5-8 people, please contact Carla Mettling, (406) 203-7177 or , or Dorcie Dvarishkis at church or through the church office, (406) 542-2167 or , by September 15th. Thank you!