Holy Spirit Episcopal Church

Summer Worship - July 28 - One Service at 10:15 am - Pineview Park in the Rattlesnake

Summer Worship - July 28 - One Service at 10:15 am - Pineview Park in the Rattlesnake

Sunday, July 28, 2024, 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

On July 28, our 10:15 a.m. service will be held at Pineview Park at 10:15 a.m. for outdoor worship. Please bring a chair and perhaps water and a sun hat. The address is 1010 Pineview. Go north on Van Buren St. (up the Rattlesnake) and turn left on Pineview just prior to Rattlesnake Elementary School.

Summer Worship Schedule begins May 26

After consideration and discussion we have decided that this summer we will have one service only at 10:15. In looking back at past attendance records during the summer, we recognize that switching to one service has not decreased attendance and it does help conserve and focus energy for all those who participate in serving at worship. We chose the later time as we have heard from many aging parishioners about the difficulties of arriving early. We are also pleased with our increased numbers of attendance at the second service and we recognize it is drawing an ever-increasing diversity of folks. So please plan to worship all together this summer at 10:15. We hope that you will meet some new people and make some new friendships. This change will begin the first Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday May 26.

Much grace and peace,
Rev. Gretchen & Rev. Terri

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