Holy Spirit Episcopal Church

Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday

Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday

Sunday, March 06, 2022

ERD Sunday: A day to help children world-wide flourish

Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) continues to be in close contact with our partners in 44 countries, including the United States, to provide financial and technical support to communities affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). As the pandemic continues to spread, we are particularly aware of the increased vulnerability of children. Episcopal Relief & Development works with communities to ensure that children have access to food, clean water, and quality health care.

We invite you to learn about ERD’s work with children, and ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE (https://www.episcopalrelief.org/1000daysoflove/), our grassroots Church-wide campaign dedicated to expanding Episcopal Relief & Development’s programs that improve the lives of children. Research shows that the first 1,000 days for children are critical in setting a foundation that affects their ability to grow, learn, and thrive over their lives. Globally 155 million children under six are not reaching their full potential due to inadequate nutrition and health care.

To support this work of Episcopal Relief & Development, we will take a special collection on ERD Sunday, March 6. You may donate using the coupon that will be in the service leaflet that Sunday or donate on our giving platform Pushpay. Simply choose “Episcopal Relief & Development” from the list of funds to make your donation. An offering plate will also be available for your donations at the back of the church.

Thank you for your compassion and prayers. With your partnership, we are working together for lasting change.

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