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A Letter from Co-Rector Gretchen: A Decision Guided by the Holy Spirit

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Dear friends,

Your heartfelt support and encouragement during my discernment process have been a blessing. Thank you for that. This last year serving as a Co-Rector has been a joy for me. I am so thankful for that unexpected opportunity. It has helped me come to a deeper understanding of the unique relationship between a pastor and her people. It has been and continues to be a privilege and honor to serve you here at Holy Spirit, but my call to continue serving at St. Paul’s is clear. I’ve been there four years, and we’ve only just begun. There is so much we still want to accomplish there. I understand that turning down a full-time position that’s within walking distance of my house so I can commute to a part-time job may seem strange. But it is a decision guided by the Holy Spirit. I have no doubt. And that means that the Holy Spirit has something new waiting for you too.

It breaks my heart to know there will be times in the future that I will not be present for your important moments. Know that I will always hold you close to my heart. It’s been twenty-four years now that I have served on the staff at Holy Spirit, and that history has built special intimacy between us. For you have formed me and shaped me. You welcomed Dave and me as a young couple, new to Missoula. You celebrated with us and supported us when we began our family. You called me to ordination, and remarkably you have always been willing to adapt to my ever-changing roles here.

Dave and I will not be leaving Missoula. We will continue to reside on Pine Street in George Stewart’s old house. You might remember that George was the first rector of Holy Spirit in 1877. After he served here, he and his wife Isabel bought our house from C.P. Higgins in 1895. They were the first owners. It was right about that time that George drew up the plans for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Hamilton and then he began to serve them twice a month. It seems that George and I have more and more in common. 

Missoula is a wonderful place–the best place I have ever lived. And you, Holy Spirit, are an amazing and healthy community. You have done good reflection and great work over the last couple of years, building new leaders and welcoming new folks. You are thriving. I have absolutely no doubt that there will be much interest in this desirable position.

You’ll continue to see me walking my downtown neighborhood. We’ll bump into each other at the grocery store and at civic events when I am tagging along with Dave. And before I get too sentimental, I just need to say: I am still serving here for another year and a half! So, let’s just enjoy our time together because the truth is we only have the moments right in front of us.

Much grace and peace to you, my dear friends.

Rev. Gretchen+