A Note from the Rector - March 2022
Dear Friends,
Thank you all for your prayers and support while I was recovering from surgery. I had no idea how important help with a meal would make, or how encouraging a note would be. I know that many of you who are lay leaders, as well as the Staff, took on additional responsibilities to keep the parish’s life and ministry going. I am so grateful, and so glad to be back. You are a blessing.
If you read the Spirited Times this past Thursday, you will know that Covid protocols are being relaxed a bit for Holy Spirit’s buildings and grounds. The specifics are as follows:
- Masks are not required but recommended. The one exception is that masks must be worn while singing, as well as moving up and down the aisle while receiving Communion in worship. Those wanting to reduce exposure will of course wear a mask for any number of reasons. They may also want to sit toward the back of the church where the doors opening and closing provide a bit more air circulation.
- Starting Sunday, the chalice with consecrated wine will return with specific protocols. The Deacon or Chalice Bearer and Celebrant will be masked, the Celebrant will dip the consecrated bread into the wine and will place it in the outstretched hand(s) of those receiving. You may of course receive the bread alone if you prefer. Communion will continue to be received at the front of the center aisle for now.
- Signing in as you come to worship will no longer be required.
It is my hope that we will always make it a priority to offer welcome and loving community to one and all, physically present or over the internet. Some of you will wear a mask for any number of reasons; others are getting comfortable not wearing one because of full vaccination, and others are not yet comfortable with returning to in-person worship. We will respect one another in our differences and in our weariness with a pandemic that persists. Hold fast to prayer, come back into community as soon as you feel able, and know that we have the tools to adjust with whatever ebbs and flows come our way.
Thank you again for your support while I’ve been healing. It is so good to be back among you!
Faithfully with you on the way,
The Rev. Terri Ann Grotzinger
P.S. Don't forget to "Spring Forward" this weekend! Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 13, so set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night.