A Note from the Rector - News about my upcoming sabbatical
My Upcoming Sabbatical
Dear Friends:
With the Vestry’s approval, and the encouragement and support of the Bishop, I will take a sabbatical of four and a half months taken in conjunction with my annual month of vacation and two weeks of required continuing education: June 1 – November 30, 2023. Clergy sabbaticals are to be taken every seven years, but with the pandemic, this one comes at year eleven. I am in the process of planning what to do and when during this time. In addition, the staff, vestry, and I are already identifying what needs to happen in my absence and how best to prepare for it. Together we will do our best to ensure that the worship, ministries, and the care and love for one another continues well at Holy Spirit.
A clergy sabbatical can mean many things and is crafted to the unique needs of each clergy person. The time is usually a combination of rest, time with God in prayer and reflection, a time of learning, and some time for creativity and play. After much discernment, I have settled on exploring the power of sacred story as my learning portion. How is story sacred? Where do I see the sacred in my story and that of my extended family, and how do these connect with the scriptures that are so full of sacred stories? How do stories become sacred, in our faith and beyond? These are the kinds of questions that I would like to explore, and I will do so by specifically conversing with living relatives, reading, and delving into the various meanings of sacred story. Look for updates every few weeks until June – stay tuned!
Faithfully with you on the way,
The Rev. Terri Ann Grotzinger
Rector, Holy Spirit Episcopal Church