A Note from the Rector - Welcome Back Sunday
Welcome Back Sunday, September 11
Dear Friends:
We are on the doorstep of the fall season with everyone returning from summer vacations, entering school, and preparing for one new activity or another. While we can’t go back to exactly what was several years ago, we do have a few “markers” for our journey as a faith community. One of those is “Welcome Back Sunday” on September 11th!
After the worship services have finished (about 11:30am or so) we have a fellowship time in the Courtyard with light sandwiches and refreshments, tables displaying various ministries available to you, and the opportunity to meet old friends and new friends and catch up with one another. I see there is to be some face painting and yard games available too!
If you are the leader of a ministry at Holy Spirit, or if you are in a group that is finding new leadership, this is for you! There will be tables out around the courtyard where you can share the story of our various ministries and invite others to join in. Please call Judy before the end of day on Wednesday, September 7th, at the office (406-542-2167) or email her at to request a table to be put out. Then it’s all yours to make some simple signage about your ministry and to make your table inviting as parishioners browse and share lunch. Having someone from your ministry at the table makes it possible to answer questions directly, and for individuals to meet someone passionate about ministry in and out of Holy Spirit. Have fun with it!
The staff and I look forward to seeing you!
Faithfully with you on the way,
The Rev. Terri Ann Grotzinger
Rector, Holy Spirit Episcopal Church