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Bishops' World Series 2014 Wager to Benefit ERD

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It's the Royals up against the Giants in the 2014 World Series, and the bishops of Kansas and West Missouri have challenged the bishop of California to a friendly wager: winner gets a basket of regional goodies from the other team's area, and loser poses wearing the winning team's cap in place of their miter!

All this fun is for a great cause, as well. The losing diocese will make a donation to a charity of the winning diocese's choice, and all three bishops have challenged their dioceses to participate by donating in their teams' honor to Episcopal Relief & Development.

Your donation will go towards our Global Needs Fund which enables us to meet needs where they are greatest. Because of your generosity, we are able to fight poverty and disease and respond to disasters quickly - anywhere in the world. Your donation helps people live healthier, safer and more productive lives. Click here to read more.