Diocese of Montana Newsletter, August 2021

The August 2021 electronic newsletter of the Diocese of Montana is available here. In the newsletter you can find the following information and articles:
- Diocesan Calendar
- 2021 Diocesan Convention, October 8 - 10, Billings, MT
- Resolutions and Legislation for Convention are due August 8
- Hospitality, Tithing and Interdependence, by Bishop Marty Stebbins
- Camp Marshall: a video message on the importance of donating to Camp Marshall's general fund
- Camp Marshall Senior High Retreat, August 13 - 15
- Celebrate Camp Marshall Weekend, August 13 - 15
- Camp Marshall 2022 program offerings and retreat dates
- Reception at Diocesan Convention to honor retiring Canon to the Ordinary, Rev. Chris Roberts, and our retired Archdeacon, the Venerable Roxanne Klingensmith
- Prayers for Bishop Charles Keyser
- Anamchara Fellowship
- Women's Ecumenical Bible Study, Fall 2021 and Winter 2022, in-person and via Zoom
- Civil Air Patrol seeking individuals for Chaplain Corps
- Fall Book Group: The Spiritual Child, Sept. - Nov. 2021, in-person and via Zoom
- Way of Love Contemplative Retreat, Sept. 21 - 23, 2021, at Camp Marshall and via Zoom
- Montana Ecumenical News: Coalition Building to Serve the Chronically Homeless
- Episcopal Relief & Development - updated information on Equal Exchange
- Gifts for Life - back to school
- Anti-Racism Training, August 20 - September 17
- United Thank Offering