Diocese of Montana Newsletter, July 2021

The July 2021 electronic newsletter of the Diocese of Montana is available here. In the newsletter you can find the following information and articles:
- Diocesan Calendar
- 2021 Diocesan Convention
- Bishop's Reflection: Building a Spiritual Community, by Bishop Marty Stebbins
- Camp Marshall
- Reception at Convention, for retiring Canon to the Ordinary, Rev. Chris Roberts, and retired Archdeacon, the Ven. Roxanne Klingensmith
- Episcopal Cursillo Weekend
- New Canon to the Ordinary, the Rev. Mikayla Dunfee
- Way of Love Contemplative Retreat, Sept. 21-23
- Finance Corner: Reflections on Ministry, by Barb Hagen
- Barb Hagen celebrates her 25th Anniversary with the Diocese of Montana
- Parish News and Offerings
- Episcopal Church News & Offerings
- UTO Corner