Spring Market

Spring Market Wrap-up

We hope you were there sometime during Spring Market Week this year. As a volunteer, a shopper, a donor, or with your prayers for a successful effort. And, indeed, it was. Thanks to our "Cool as a Cucumber" leader, Marva Gallegos, thousands of items found their market locations, their too-good-to-pass-up prices, and their new owners by Saturday afternoon.

Donations poured in for days. Thank you! Thank you! More racks, hangers, price tags, and bags were called for. Delicious lunches appeared. Many new faces joined the "regulars" as the market continued to come together. On Friday morning, the line waiting for the doors to open buzzed with anticipation, and that energy continued on through the entire sale. Sunshine lit up the outdoor sales area and accordion music enlivened the indoor spaces.

Besides the hundreds of customers, vendors from Missoula's vintage shops, the Missoula Children's Theater, and the Senior Center in Lodge Pole on the Fort Belknap Reservation will be blessed with this year's market treasures.

Total sales ($9,154.00) - almost doubled last year's. Yet, profits also came in all the personal exchanges experienced putting together this event. Laughter, new friends, stories, helping customers, sharing the love of Holy Spirit with hundreds of folks who visited our church. It was a beautiful, successful, blessed week. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.


What to set aside for next year - Just your best (clean, unbroken, usable) items listed below:

  • Vintage and Boutique Clothing – women's and men's
  • Accessories and Jewelry
  • Home Décor
  • Glassware & Kitchen
  • Linens
  • Books (no manuals, encyclopedias, or tapes)
  • Sport and Camping Equipment
  • Luggage
  • Pet Accessories
  • Gardening & Outdoor / Healthy Plants
  • Small Furniture