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A Note from the Rector - Changes for the Summer: July 27 Update

Update to Wednesday worship

Dear Friends,

As we continue to deal with fires throughout our state, and smoke both locally and from all over the west, Rev. Gretchen and I have decided to cancel the Wednesday outdoor Eucharist tomorrow.  We are both aware of those who are having to wear masks because of the smoke or stay inside because of the air quality and we don't want to encourage folks to be out in what will likely be worsening conditions over the next several days.  We will continue to monitor things week to week.

We have been blessed to be mask free in our in-person church services for a time.  We are not changing our current policy of masks being optional for those vaccinated and masks required for those unvaccinated, but I want you to know that this could change at any time.  As Covid 19 - D variant continues to spread rapidly, and the evidence showing that even those vaccinated can become asymptomatic spreaders, we may require masks again in the near future.  I do not take these decisions lightly but as a beloved community of God called to love one another as ourselves, it could be our loving act to use masks once again.  I will advise you of any changes.  Note that it could be on short notice.

I continue to give thanks for all of you and pray that you are finding ways to enjoy the summer, smoke and all.

With you on the way!

Terri +

The Rev. Terri Ann Grotzinger