A Note from the Rector: Christmas Season - November 22, 2021 update

A Note from the Rector - Changes for the Fall - August 23, 2021 Update
"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." A Note from the Rector Dear Friends, The weather has cooled just a bit this mid-August, but Covid-19 and its Delta variant have taken us back to the reality that we are still in a pandemic, just in a...A Note from the Rector - Changes for the Summer: July 27 Update
Update to Wednesday worship Dear Friends, As we continue to deal with fires throughout our state, and smoke both locally and from all over the west, Rev. Gretchen and I have decided to cancel the Wednesday outdoor Eucharist tomorrow. We...A Note from the Rector - June 2021 Update

A Note from the Rector - May 2021: Changes for the Summer

A Note from the Rector: What we're learning
A Note from the Rector - April 27, 2021 What we’re learning… This past Sunday marked the first Sunday where every church in the Diocese of Montana held in-person services with the hybrid option of live-streaming or recorded...A Note from the Rector: Re-Opening Worship - April 12, 2021

A Note from the Rector - March 15, 2021

A Note from the Rector - November 12, 2020