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A Note from the Rector - May 2021: Changes for the Summer

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A Note from the Rector – May 2021 

Dear Friends in Christ, 

We are back to worship in person and every week we see more and more people joining us for worship. Now we will move to our summer schedule: gathering at 9:00 a.m. for our worship service during the summer, starting this Sunday, May 30th through September 5th, 2021. 

Know that we will be in some form of transition all summer long.  To help all of us, we have designed the liturgy to be as simple as possible while still adaptable as changes occur.  We will continue to be mindful of those who for whatever reason are not vaccinated yet or are not able or ready to remove their masks while allowing “masks optional” for those who are vaccinated.  Masks are still required if you are not vaccinated, to prevent the possibility of infecting our children and families who are not yet fully vaccinated.  We will continue to monitor how things are going and make changes accordingly. 

Here is what to expect:

  • Worship will begin at 9 a.m. starting May 30th through September 5th. Simplicity is built into the liturgy to reduce the number of support volunteers needed during this particular summer.  (We know that many of you, as well as staff, are planning to visit friends and family this summer and we support you in that!)
  • Masks are optional for those who are vaccinated; masks are required for those not yet vaccinated or unable to be vaccinated until further notice. Masks are just part of our common life and may be used at any time for any reason.
  • There are no longer spacing requirements in the church but do ask that you offer the courtesy of sitting at least 3 feet from those wearing a mask if so desired.
  • The Offering will be received in the large plate as you enter the church, no passing of the plates through the summer.
  • We encourage the use of a phone or tablet to follow along in the Service Leaflet as part of our stewardship of Creation. Paper copies will be available for those who need them.
  • The Choir is now singing with masks on. Congregational singing with masks on only will begin on Sunday, June 13, until further notice.  Please bring a mask to put on when we sing.  Masks will also be available at the entry.
  • Communion will be received indoors starting this Sunday, May 30th, at the foot of the Chancel steps, in one kind (the bread). The chalice of wine will be held up for reverencing only at this time.
  • The service will be recorded for later viewing on most Sundays. We are in the process of upgrading our technology in the church and this will take some time.  

One last thing: we will be offering a simple Eucharistic service in the courtyard at 12:15 p.m. every Wednesday during the summer, starting June 2nd.  Bring a chair and bag lunch for fellowship afterwards.  Of course, folding chairs can also be provided. 

Faithfully with you on the way!    
