A Note from the Rector - March 15, 2021

A Note from the Rector
March 15, 2021
Dear Friends,
We have made it through a year of the Covid-19 pandemic, doing our best to contribute to the safety and well-being of not only our own but the wider community of Missoula. Some of you lost loved ones to the disease. Others have not been able to visit or physically be with your loved ones until recently, if at all. And still others lost loved ones by other natural causes and often without the ability to say goodbye. We have all been affected by the difficult journey to this point and have sacrificed in so many ways. And yet, here we are continuing to walk toward a new time, supported by the hope that with safe practices and vaccinations underway we will enter a new phase – a time to gather together one step at a time.
The staff and I made the difficult decision to keep Holy Week and Easter virtual again this year, while knowing that all of us would rather get back together, greet one another and celebrate in person. Thinking back to my wildlife biologist days, I was reminded that bears do not hibernate non-stop throughout a winter season. No, they regularly take a stretch out of their dens when it seems right, staying close to home, and then den up again shortly thereafter. At some point, they know when the time is right to leave the den more permanently. Our journey to gathering in person for worship, fellowship, and expanded ministry will be much the same. We will try out a few things with love and care, to begin the process and consider our surroundings as vaccinations in arms increase, variants show up or not, and cases of Covid-19 continue to decline or spike. There will still be protocols in place such as the wearing of masks and social distancing. Perhaps the most difficult will be no in-person singing until more of us are vaccinated. The journey continues, but soon we will know when to phase out of certain protocols and really celebrate.
Meanwhile, the staff and I are preparing for what is ahead. We hope that soon after Easter we will make the shift from pre-recorded to live-streaming in-person worship services so that we can continue to reach those who are unable to be physically with us for any number of reasons. I ask everyone to pray for each stage of our gathering in person so that we all come prepared for things to feel and be different. We have much to look forward to, with flowers beginning to make their appearance, birds chirping away, and warmer days near at hand. And don’t forget: Bishop Marty Stebbins will make her visitation to Holy Spirit on Sunday, April 18th: virtually or in person, still to be determined. I will step up my Notes from the Rector to keep you informed as all of these things unfold.
I am so grateful for your faithfulness and understanding though out the past year and even now. Together, we will do the rest of this journey with prayer and support for one another. Do not lose heart; we have come so far! May God’s love abide, Christ’s healing come, and the Spirit guide and enliven us as we carry on.
Faithfully with you on the way,