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From the Senior Warden: Letters to Our Holy Spirit Angel

Letters to Our Holy Spirit Angel
- Warren Gartner

Over the past 4 Saturdays Zara Renander has led us through a delightful tour and discussion of our stained glass windows as a Lenten study. Thank you Zara for your research, time and sense of humor!

If you attended on the 18th, the discussion was all about angels, that decorate every window. Towards the end of the session Zara asked us to all write a note to the Angel of Holy Spirit Church. In the tradition of Paul’s letters, we were asked to praise a few things before we listed areas where we would like to see improvement. As senior warden, the letters were passed on to me to share with the Holy Spirit Angel. What follows is a collection of those notes.


Dear Angel of Holy Spirit,

We praise and thank you for watching over our family here at Holy Spirit. We appreciate your gentle guidance, even if we don’t always hear you or follow your urgings. Holy Spirit has become a warm, welcoming, inclusive and committed community. We care for one another, reach out to help in the world at large and care for creation. The music and events like the Holiday Market are a joy, As a community we are good at gathering to eat, learn, discuss and laugh. We are also good at written reports and programs like Zara’s.

Holy Spirit Angel, we ask that you continue to watch over us and guide us as we learn to reach out to young families and children. Teach us the stories from Hebrew Scriptures and more through these type of classes. Make us better disciples and deeper followers of Christ to better use our gifts to do good works. Raise up more leaders and workers to meet the needs at hand.

Also, if you have time, could we have a bit more light and heat in the sanctuary, better sound in the back of the church and maybe softer chairs in the parish hall?

Thank you for the continuing blessings you send our way. We are fortunate to have such a beautiful church in which to gather for worship and fellowship, surrounded by such a talented and caring group of people.  

Yours in faith,
the People of Holy Spirit Episcopal Church