Easter Message from Bishop Marty
Light from the Darkness
This Holy Week seems to be a dark place, where political pundits suggest that the war in Ukraine could easily expand into a world war with nuclear weapons being used and that the United...
The Rt. Reverend Barbara Harris was the first woman ordained and consecrated a bishop in The Episcopal Church and in the Anglican Communion. In her memoir, entitled Hallelujah, Anyhow! [she] quotes an old Gospel hymn that says it this...
Hello on Palm Sunday from St George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem. There is a passage in the 27th Chapter of Matthew’s gospel where religious leaders, political leaders come together once again after Jesus has been crucified and...
[April 7, 2014] “Where and how will we look for the Body of Christ, risen and rising?,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori presents in her Easter Message 2014. “Will we share the life of that body as an...